Darcy Berger is an Educational Consultant, College Admissions Advisor, and Certified Professional Life Coach who works with students and young adults.
IECA Associate Member
For over 15 years, Darcy has successfully helped students and parents through the various aspects of college planning, including high school course selection, college choice and the full application process.
In addition, she coaches young adults in navigating choices for careers and further education, as well as helping them with organization of day to day tasks and responsibilities.
She also conducts diagnostic and educational evaluations, consults with parents and teachers to assure effective strategies for meeting students’ needs in schools, works as an organizational coach, and helps parents with behavior management issues at home.
She has worked in public and private school settings in exceptional children’s programs, counseling, administration, and admissions.
Her undergraduate training in Exceptional Children’s Education was completed at Syracuse University. She received her Master of Education degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she has worked as a Clinical Instructor.